
"There is only one thing more expensive in the long run than education: no education." - John F. Kennedy

As a pastor, supervisor, coach and consultant, my vision is to help churches grow and become stable and to train leaders. Here you can find an excerpt of my seminar offerings.

However, I also offer individual seminars as needed.

Please send inquiries to

Leadership and management

Reflective Leadership - Part 1: Reflective Status

This seminar shows you necessities and ways to reflect your competence, your physical state, your environment and feelings, your focus, your beliefs, as well as your spiritual state and to derive necessary actions from it.

Seminar duration:
4 hours divided into 2-3 sessions


Reflective Leadership - Part 2: Reflective Decisions

Your decision determines your goal! This seminar will show you ways to make reflective decisions as a leader.

Seminar duration:
4 hours divided into 2-3 sessions


Church on the move - fostering a culture of success

What principles make up a church culture that promotes rather than hinders success? A culture in which people can live out their abilities and passions instead of becoming ill as a result of their work. A culture where mistakes are allowed to happen without being hushed up and covered up or, at the other extreme, pilloried? And most importantly, a culture where employees don't say, "When the leader isn't around, the work goes faster."

Seminar duration:
4 hours divided into 2 sessions

The inner circle of a leader

How do I, as a leader, surround myself with people with whom I am traveling together in the kingdom of God? Which of them belong to my inner circle of trust and what role does my emotional intelligence play in this? (The inner circle; different circles; the most important commandment; focus on emotional intelligence; the way to the inner circle).

Seminar duration:
4 hours in 2 sessions

Date Palm Strategy - Resilience

In the Bible, man is compared to a palm tree. What can we learn from the palm tree for our life as leaders? How can we withstand the storms and get back up after defeats? (Deep roots; flexible trunk; green leaves and fruit in its season).

. Seminar duration:
4 hours in 2-3 sessions


The heart and mind of a leader

Distance and connection between heart and mind. The heart of a leader. Questions to our heart.

Seminar duration:
2 hours


Phases in the life of a leader

In his life and development, a leader goes through different phases. In this seminar, five phases will be examined and described. Participants will be encouraged to act according to the current phase and take the next step in their personal development.

Seminar duration:
2-3 hours in 2-3 sessions.

Holy Spirit and work of the Spirit

The Christian and his charisms

Introduction to Spiritual Gifts (Full Picture of God's Grace; Three Cathegories and Nine Umbrella Terms of Spiritual Gifts; Gift Variety; Gift & Task)

Seminar duration:

2 hours in 1-2 sessions

The ministry of the prophet & church building from a prophetic perspective.

The prophet in the light of the fivefold ministry. What is a prophet? The prophet in the church building and his tasks. The importance of the prophetic ministry.

Seminar duration:
2-3 hours in 1-2 sessions

Spiritual gifts: Discernment of spirits

Not everything supernatural comes from God. What are the testing criteria? Four phases of testing.

Seminar duration:
1 hour

Spiritual gifts: Speaking in Tongues

The gift of tongues is probably the charism that is most controversially discussed. In a way, this brings us to a "problem child". How does one receive it? And how is it used properly?

Seminar duration:
2 hours in 1-2 sessions

Spiritual Gifts: Ways to Heal

I am the Lord your physician, says Exodus 15:26. In this, God's ways of healing are many, and we may think more broadly than merely waiting for miracles.

Seminar length:
2 hours in 1-2 sessions

Spiritual gifts: Prophecy

What is prophecy? Why do we need prophecy in our time? Triad of prophecy. Levels of prophetic gift. Origin and expression of prophecy. Transmission and testing of prophecy. Preconditions for receiving prophecy. Obstacles to the reception of prophecy.

Seminar duration:
3-4 hours divided into 2-3 sessions.

Marriage and partnership

Prerequisites for a successful marriage

Marriages can be something beautiful, but they can also be quite the opposite. Even marriages that are successful in the beginning break up. What are actually the conditions for a marriage to succeed in the long term?

Seminar duration:
2-3 hours in 1-3 sessions

Communication, Conflicts & Solutions

How do we communicate with each other in partnership? How do we deal with our conflicts? What are the most common stumbling blocks in communication and how do conflicts usually arise? I give well-founded answers to these questions and also show how one can change oneself in this regard.

Seminar duration:
2-3 hours in 1-3 sessions

Growing intimacy in marriage

How do sexuality and love succeed permanently in marriage? Most people think these things are a no-brainer, but anyone in a long-term relationship knows that this is far from the case. Is your marriage ready for more romance?

Seminar Duration:
2-3 hours in 1-3 sessions


Israel and the Church

The Christian community emerged from Judaism, and yet in Christianity and Judaism two faiths face each other. What is their relationship to each other?

Seminar Duration:
2-3 hours in 1-3 sessions

Israel yesterday, today and tomorrow

The country and its people have a moving history. The people have experienced ups and downs and have changed the world permanently. But there is also a lot to be said about the future of this country and its people.

Seminar duration:
2-3 hours in 1-3 sessions

Israel and the nations

Israel and the Jews have become an offense again and again throughout history. Why did this happen again and again, and why will it continue to happen? What is Israel's relationship with the nations?

Seminar Duration:
2-3 hours in 1-3 sessions