The Elim Network e.V. is first of all an official part of the German Association of Pentecostal Churches (BFP) and is in close cooperation with it. The Elim Network e.V. has the status “work in the federation” in the German Association of Pentecostal Churches (BFP). This status should not be confused with the status “Covenant Organisation”.

Various churches and networks with a passion for and experience with church planting – known as StartUp Center – in the Federation of Free Pentecostal Churches (BFP) have made it their mission to plant churches or support church planting. They create a structure that sustainably produces and promotes church start-ups and founders. We have also been such a start-up centre since 2024.
International Partners
The Elim Network e.V. is a partner of the newly founded Union of Independent Israeli Congregations and supports them in church planting, social projects as well as other topics.
We are also a partner of the oxygen Church, which has its headquarters in Ukraine. The oxygen Church is a church network that extends beyond Ukraine. We support this movement in building up its churches.
Partner churches in Germany
All our work began at Elim Hannover and we are grateful that we still have a strong partner at our side in this church.
Hope Hannover has been a partner from the very beginning, as they were already part of our network when the organisation was founded.
We are delighted to have the Christlichen Zentrum Rostock as a valuable link in our network. Their support is of great importance for our joint work.
Just like Hope Hannover the Mittelpunktkirche Braunschweig has been a partner from the very beginning.
The Freie Evangeliumskirche Schüttorf “Church4all” has maintained a friendship with our chairman Johannes Justus for many years and therefore they were also part of our network early on
The Wort der Errettung Church in Wetzlar is the newest member of our network and a strong partner for whom we are very grateful.
Ecclesia Church has supported our work Work in Israel for many years and we are grateful for a long friendship.
Partner organisations in Germany
Freikirchen Bank (formerly Spar- und Kreditbank Evangelisch-Freikirchlicher Gemeinden eG) is our contact for financial matters.
Become part of the network
Our network is not closed and we are happy to welcome new partners into our network. As a network, we want to be a blessing to you or your church. If you are interested in learning more about our services, please feel free to contact us.