Our work in Georgia and the Caucasus

We have some very valuable areas of work with our partner Elgudja Inaishvili and his church in Batumi in Georgia.

One of the fields of work of our church is evangelization camps for young people from the villages in the mountains of Adjara. The mission statement of this church is based on the words of Jesus, which the pastor saw as a call to take the gospel to the Muslim villages of Adjara.

There are 333 villages in this region, of which around 300 have never been reached by the Gospel.

The percentage of Christians in this region of the country is very low.

God has given our partner wisdom, guidance and tools to reach the villages and talk to them about the Christian faith.

Since 2012, we have been working with the “Day Camp” project in the villages, and since 2017 we have been running evangelization camps.

Our man on the spot

Pastor Elgudja Inaishvili was born in 1972. He accepted the Lord in 1991 and married shortly afterwards. He has three children and three grandchildren. In 1999 Elgudja began his pastoral work and in 2003 he moved to Batumi to found and develop a church there.

Under his leadership, a local church was founded in Batumi, which serves as a base for his ministry. He also founded house churches in Khelvachauri and Kobuleti and carries out active work in the Muslim villages in the mountains of Adjara.

Elgudja Inaishvili is known as a preacher and teacher of the Word of God. He is invited to preach in various churches in the Baltic States, Armenia and other countries. He is a member of Pastor Artur Simonyan’s pastoral team and currently serves as the interim senior pastor of the Word of Life Church Association in Georgia.

The main ministry of Elgudja Inaishvili is to reach lost souls and create strong, autonomous apostolic churches in every locality and to do missionary work.

The evangelization camps include:

From November to May, we actively visit three new villages that we have not visited before. We work in a “day camp” format, which includes sports, music, handicrafts, lessons, the distribution of free clothing and support with food parcels. During this time, we develop friendly relationships with the young people and their parents.

From June onwards, we invite unbelieving young people (aged 9 to 17) to our evangelization camps.

Initially we ran a camp once a year for 60 young people, but soon we decided to triple our work.

For the last four years, we have been organizing 4 to 5 camps per summer, with a number of participants ranging from 200 to 250. The aim of these camps is to introduce the young people to Jesus and offer them to accept Jesus as their Savior.

A particular challenge is the follow-up work after the camps. When the young people return to their Muslim villages, it is important not to leave them to their own devices. Our task is to continue to work and nurture the seeds sown at the camp.

To the finances

A key aspect is fundraising for the free evangelization camps. We collect donations in the church throughout the year, but this is not enough as we only have a few church members and the economic situation in the country is difficult. Therefore, we are looking for financial partners and friends who could support this work.

Our dream

At the moment we are dreaming about and need our own base to run evangelization camps.

Having our own base would enable us to make the preparation and implementation process of the camps much easier. We could reduce rental costs and simplify the organization of events by having a permanent place to hold camps and other activities.

This would also give us the opportunity to plan and run events more efficiently, improve the quality of our work and increase our ability to attract young people from Muslim villages.

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BENEFICIARY: Elim Network e.V.
BANKADRESS: Spar- und Kreditbank Evangelisch-Freikirchlicher Gemeinden eG

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