Christians who are deeply rooted in their faith understand the immense importance of prayer. It is more than just a ritualized …
Holy Spirit
ChurchHoly SpiritTheology
Why some Christians do not receive the baptism in the Spirit
von Johannes JustusThe baptism in the Spirit is open to all believers of all backgrounds. Personally, I think it is best if people …
Paul teaches us not to despise the gift of prophecy, but to examine it (1 Co 14:29, 1 Th 5:20). Why …
The development and expression of prophecy Since I frequently serve in prophetic ways, and teach about the works of the Holy …
Before I explain further the gift of prophecy in the New Testament, I would like to point out a few differentiations …
Holy Spirit
The gift of prophecy in today’s day, and its meaning (Prophecy part I)
von Johannes JustusDoes prophecy still exist? God promised us, that in the last days he will pour out his spirit over all believers. …
Holy Spirit
The gift of speaking in tongues (part 3) – How do I receive this gift?
von Johannes JustusSince the beginning of this series I have made clear, that the baptism of the Holy Spirit is always accompanied by …
BooksHoly Spirit
Holy Spirit: Are We Flammable Or Fireproof? – One inspiring book
von Johannes JustusMy brother and friend Reinhard Bonnke, is looking back at a long, powerful, and blessed service as a missionary. In more …
As a christian who lives in germany, I value that our culture is marked by order and soberness. Yet I am …
The gift of tongues is probably the most controversial gift of the Holy Spirit. In particular, because this gift is often …